Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Piano Playing Using Chords

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Successful Music Web Sites

Examples Of Successful Music Teaching Web Sites!
-- Without a doubt the world's largest collection of great courses for piano players of all stripes, no matter what kind of piano music you want to play! Over 300 great courses on everything from boogie to ragtime to pop to the blues to Fur Elise!


-- Perfect for the person who plays the piano but doesn't know chords, as well as for stark beginners who don't know middle C from Tweedle Dee, but want to learn to play piano music!


-- Playing the piano by ear is not magic -- you can train yourself to hear chords, intervals, and a tune, and then using "the ladder" and "the contour chart" you can create an accompaniment for your piano music to go with the tune. Click on the link above to find out how.


-- Would you like to play for your church or join a worship team? Learn praise & gospel music piano as well as traditional evangelistic piano playing.


-- If you know chords but don't quite know what to do with them, then learn how to "dress up naked music" by checking out this one-of-a-kind site! Learn to arrange piano music of all kinds. Over 101 techniques are taught in this great, great course -- teaching you what to do with the chords you already know!


-- Busy adults can't take the time to go to a local studio every week for a piano lesson, so this "crash course" comes to you each week dressed up as a video or DVD along with coordinated piano music books. Fantastic year-long course -- a new lesson every single week!


-- Do you know that piano playing has a "backdoor"? Duane came into it that way, so if you're a motivated adult with not much time, maybe you should too! Once you put on your "chord glasses", you can see into piano music like you never dreamed possible!


-- The world wide center for piano chords! Features the amazing "Instant Chord Finder" which lives right on your desktop and functions like an amazing chord computer so you can locate virtually any chord instantly, as well as the scale it is based on! Instantly know what chords go with your piano music!


-- Would you like to learn to use the piano playing techniques the pros use to create really EXCITING piano music? Are you willing to work on each technique month-by-month for an hour a day each day for 36 months? If so, you have just found the key to unlocking your hidden above. "Pro Secrets!"


-- This is a site offering a 7-month home study course in improvising -- making up music as you play. Using the blues as a learning tool, this course starts simply but progresses gradually over the 7 months to cover ballads, arpeggios, swing bass, as well as many other styles of improvised music.

Visit Each Site To See How They Work!
Be sure to go to each of the sites listed above to see for yourself how successful music web sites work, and what makes them tick!

Can You Do The Same...Or Better?
The sites listed above are all successful sites, all bringing in customers and helping people in various aspects of music. But they are in no way the only successful sites out there on the web. I have two friends (who shall remain nameless here except for their first names) who are MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN I AM! And they have been at it much less time than I have. One man is named Dave, and he lives in the same town I live in. In fact, lots of people on the web confuse us because our URL's are similar and our initials are identical. Not only that, we both play in churches and use praise and gospel music in our teaching! He has a great site, and he's a great teacher and a better musician. Does that hurt my feelings or my business? Not in the least. There are PLENTY of people in the world hungry for music instruction, and one prefers one style of teaching, and one prefers another. That's fine, and as it should be. There's another young man in the LA area named Jermaine with a killer site who is barely out of his teen age years. He's a great player and a great teacher, like Dave. So even though both Dave and Jermaine are cleaning my clock in terms of sales and musicianship and technology, I bless them both and wish them nothing but success! There's lots of room in the ocean for another boat! The advantage I have over them is that I have many years of experience, and you benefit from all that experience when you take advantage of the instruction I offer at this link:

Learn How To Do It RIGHT...The First Time!

Successful Music Teaching Web Sites!