How to hear "far out" harmonies and understand them
How to hear "far out" harmonies and understand them: "'How To Hear Far-Out Harmonies!'
What makes a harmony 'far-out'? Extensions to the basic triad. You'll learn to listen for the root -- the bass line -- the tonal center. Then you'll determine whether the 5th is perfect, augmented, or diminished. Then you'll listen for the chief color tone, whether it be a 6th, 9th, or whatever. You'll learn to listen, analyze, listen, analyze, and then listen some more.
Extensions of a triad -- 6th
Extensions of a triad -- 7th (dominant)
Extensions of a triad -- maj7
Extensions of a triad -- flat 9th
Extensions of a triad -- 9th
Extensions of a triad -- flat 10th
Extensions of a triad -- 11th (suspension)
Extensions of a triad -- sharp 11ths
Extensions of a triad -- 13th
Combinations of all the above
Grow big ears!
'How To Hear Far-Out Harmonies!'"